Treatment #5 was a “Go” Today!

We were surprised and thankful that the doctors went ahead with the chemo treatment today! The oncologist is out of town for a few weeks, so we met with the nurse practitioner, Meghan (who we really like). Essentially, she and the consulting doctor believe the Keytruda is causing hepatitis (inflammation of the liver, controllable and not permanent). They are giving Sarah steroids for the next 12 days to offset that, and if her numbers level out, then it was indeed the immunotherapy (Keytruda), and they will discontinue it going forward. If the numbers don't level, then it's the chemo.

If we have to discontinue the Keytruda, it would be disappointing because it's such a wonderful drug when working well. At the same time, when not working well, it could do major damage or cause autoimmune disorders that could last a lifetime! So we are happy to stop if necessary. Even without the Keytruda, Sarah is still getting the standard of care with the chemo, and the cancer is responding splendidly (she can barely feel the tumor anymore!). And, of course, the culprit could be the chemo, which would be another unexpected turn. It really feels like a game week to week.

They also said Sarah has really sensitive bone marrow, so it makes the journey a little more tenuous (not necessarily a bad thing, just a reality they have to manage). She will not be getting Granix injections this week. With that, they will determine what is needed from week to week.

An answer to prayer is that Sarah's anemia is regulated for now, and we needed no hormonal intervention today. Please pray this continues.

The Lord was very kind this morning through helpful and wise caregivers to remind us that He is with us.

We continue to ask the Lord for wisdom for our doctors moving forward, especially as we watch to see how Sarah's body reacts to the steroids. Thanks for praying and sticking with us on this crazy road!

After I left Sarah and her sister at the cancer center, I went back to the church to work on my sermon. My head and heart couldn't change gears, so I took a few laps around the church to talk to the Lord. I'm reading Numbers, and I was struck this morning by Aaron and Moses crying out to the Lord on behalf of their people, so I figured I'd give it a try myself on behalf of my wife. On lap two, it was like the Lord stopped me and reminded me (with startling clarity) that I was looking past the manna He'd given for today in my fears. I spent the rest of the walk asking His Spirit to help me do what felt impossible—not worry.

We have manna for today, and I'm thankful. His mercies will be new again tomorrow. Thanks for praying, friends!

Pictures: (1) It's been wonderful having Sarah's sister, Kate, visiting this week from Florida. (2) Such a rare treat to have Sarah's siblings and parents together visiting at church this Sunday. (3) Nothing like a laugh among sisters :)


The Long Haul


No headaches! And One Day at a Time