Starting to Feel Human

My chemo port is out! Woohoo! Thanks for praying for this. Dr. Delach did not go into labor (even though I’m sure she’s more than ready!), so she was able to do the procedure yesterday. It was an uneventful, “easy peezy” process done right in the office. Anthony and I enjoyed chatting with her and the assisting nurse, and it turned out to be a surprisingly enjoyable 45 minutes. I’m sore today, but very manageable (nothing compared to what I just came through!). I was grateful for the port while I needed it, and now I’m just thrilled to be rid of it.

I also started driving this week! My range of motion is much better. And today, I actually put on makeup (I have enough eyelashes now!), dressed in jeans and a sweater (not my usual “sweats uniform” from the past few months), and drove around running some work errands. It sounds simple, but it was wonderful to feel human again, interacting with people and doing normal, daily things. So thankful for these little “signs of life” that I no longer take for granted. Anthony and I took some pictures to commemorate the landmark 😊

The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. —Psalm 126:3

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. —Psalm 136:1


  • For my liver to return to normal. That my CT scan on my abdomen October 28 will come back clear, and my bloodwork on December 16 will show my liver numbers have returned to a normal range.

  • This next week is a writing week for Anthony’s doctoral cohort. Please pray he connects well with his classmates and is able to finish up his final class. (He currently has an “F” due to putting life on hold for cancer, but his grade will change once he completes the first chapter of his dissertation). Pray for refreshment for him on every level.

Pictures: (1) Dressed up to go out (finally!) (2) The square on my seatbelt is called a “port pillow.” I’ve found it’s not only a good buffer for my port site, but is also helpful after a mastectomy! (3) We’ve been outside a lot recently, enjoying these beautiful Fall days. We don’t take it for granted that we get to enjoy them together.


"Walking Along in God’s Faithfulness"

