Prayer Update

I just finished my 8th chemo infusion, which means I have 4 more to go in this first round of treatment. It feels good to be making some headway on this first leg of the journey!

As the chemo weeks accumulate, so do the effects on my body, it seems. I experienced flu-like symptoms again (aches, chills, headache, crawly skin) Monday night through Noon Tuesday (a new norm?). Migraines threatened all week. Constipation continues to be a battle. Deep fatigue comes on quickly these days, especially Thursdays and Fridays. And unfortunately, as I taper off of the steroids, my liver numbers are rising, so it's uncertain if I will be able to get my treatment this Monday. Thankfully, we also have an appointment on Monday with my oncologist, so we'll be able to ask questions and talk about the road ahead.

I'm not disheartened. At this point, I know this is just how the process goes. The doctor has said previously that if chemo is what's affecting my liver, then we will proceed by adjusting the dosage and taking rest weeks when needed. We've been asking the Lord to kill the cancer while preserving the good parts of my body, so if this "on and off again" progression helps to do that, I'm all for it.

In the meantime, we have been so encouraged by your prayers, PostHope notes, cards, texts, meals, chemo day gifts, and the many spontaneous acts of kindness coming our way. It is astounding and humbling for us to watch the Lord raise up an army of "care warriors" along this road. You have truly been the active, creative, intentional body of Christ for us in this season. Words don't seem adequate to convey our gratitude for your generosity and love, but we sincerely thank you!

But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 一1 Corinthians 12:24-27

When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul. —Psalm 94:19


  • God has surprised us with how my weeks off of treatment have coincided in helpful ways with other stuff going on in life. Please pray that He would continue to orchestrate the timing of chemo/effects with other events on the horizon like Maddie's graduation and college drop off, and Anthony's DMin cohort trip (his last class!) to name a few.

  • That my liver will settle down again. For wisdom/clarity with my chemo plan going forward.

  • That God will give us eyes to see how we can be a light and encouragement to those we come in contact with on this road. We have met so many wonderful people who have blessed us. We, too, want to be a blessing!

Pictures: (1) Anthony and I enjoyed a stroll through Longwood Gardens to celebrate our anniversary this week. These gardens have been a place of solace and rest for us through the years, and they continue to be a restorative outlet during this season. (2) Jodie drove over 2.5 hours to accompany me to my infusion this week. So grateful for her sweet friendship and the others who have lovingly sat with me on Monday mornings!


Brief Update: Infusion #9


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