He is Risen! We are Pausing

Hey friends,

Things did not go the way we thought the morning would go. Sarah was not able to get treatment today because her liver numbers are elevated. Basically, this means something is "too much" for her regarding treatment, and they need to adjust the chemo dosages down for this next cycle of three infusions. There is a chance her numbers could be resulting from the Keytruda, and if that turns out to be the case, they'll just stop Keytruda altogether. The Lord knows Sarah's body and what it needs to beat this. In the medical world Keytruda seems an important piece, so we'd love it if we can continue that. However, Keytruda may not be needed to eradicate this, AND there's a chance it could cause some other permanent issues that we don't know about that may be more detrimental. We don't know, but the Lord does.

This week, while they let Sarah's body recover, she will get three injections of a medication called Granix that will hopefully bring her white blood counts/neutrophils up and keep them there (these injections will continue every week for the duration of treatment). They have also ordered an MRI of her head and neck to make sure nothing else is going on with her headaches. Not a surprising move.

We are a bit disappointed to take this week off, but know this is (1) typical adjustment for the first cycle (2) better than her being permanently injured, and (3) not all bad in that there is a good clinical response from the tumor, and there is still chemo working just not as concentrated.

You can pray:

  • That the cancer continues to shrink

  • That Sarah's body regulates and heals

  • That the high liver numbers are a result of the chemo and not the Keytruda (immunotherapy), and that the adjustment to a lower chemo dose will fix the issue

  • That the MRI is uneventful and doesn't reveal anything too concerning (scan anxiety is becoming more and more real for us )

  • That we will trust God’s sovereignty and care as we walk

I am continuing to preach my Easter sermon back to myself today as we hit our first speed bump. I continue to remind myself that the resurrected Jesus knows us intimately, including what we need physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We have an eternal inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading that neither cancer nor its treatment can touch. And finally, our risen Savior has called us to a mission far beyond this disease, as we have the great privilege of sharing Jesus with others. Holy Spirit, let these truths take hold!


Pictures: (1) Our family Easter picture from yesterday. We had a great Easter morning at New Life Dresher. (2) Today, Sarah's best friend from high school, Jeané, came in from Lancaster to accompany Sarah to her infusion. When her treatment was canceled, they went to brunch instead and enjoyed a sweet visit. It was a great gift.


A Week Off


Week 3 and Our Suffering Savior