Go Time! Chemo Starts Monday
It's with mixed emotions that we anticipate chemo treatment starting on Monday. We're both nervous about what side effects to expect while also more than ready to get started fighting this disease!
Here are some ways you can pray:
That God will train my body and mind for war against this cancer (Psalm 18:34).
That the chemo would be effective to eradicate the cancer while sparing important parts of my body. (I have this visual of the Holy Spirit living inside me, directing traffic, sending the chemo to all the cancer cells that need to be attacked, and protecting the important parts). In medical terms, we are praying for a "complete response" to the treatment.
I would be able to stay active to some extent during treatment. We have heard from doctors and others who have been through this that remaining active (to the degree to which I'm able) will help me get through these 24 weeks in a better state overall, both mentally and physically.
That I would keep my eyes open for the people God puts in my path along the way. Of course I pray for compassionate staff, but I too want to be an encouragement and blessing to others as I have opportunity.
That the Lord would prepare me emotionally to lose my hair. This is a harder hurdle for me than I thought it would be. I actually got a quick trim this week (Thank you, Roxanne!) to experience the change a little more gradually. I'm told the hair loss will most likely start after my second infusion. This is another "tree," and I'm trusting the Lord to give me the grace I need when I get there. I know He cares even about these little details.
We don't take your prayer and love for granted. Thank you for continuing to stand with us as we take these next steps.
I leave you with one of my favorite verses that I've run to often in life when I'm anxious and uncertain. What a comfort this tender picture is as I head into Monday:
For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, "Do not fear; I will help you." —Isaiah 41:13