A Quick Update

So many of you have asked that I feel I need to post and let you know that I was able to get my infusion yesterday! They have adjusted my chemo dosage to 90% of what I was previously getting. Hopefully, this will be a more manageable amount for my body to handle. Perhaps my headaches will stay away as a result? They will continue to keep an eye on my bloodwork to see how I respond to this next cycle (every 3 infusions is considered a cycle). I will again go three days this week for Granix injections to keep my white blood cell count up. Thank you for your care and concern!

Some specifics you can pray for:

  • That the headaches would stay away

  • That my bloodwork will remain stable on this new chemo dosage

  • Wisdom to balance the rest of life (family, work, etc) with my medical appointments, limited energy, and the ebbs and flows of good and bad days. Every week looks a little different!

So thankful for you all!

Pictures: (1) Thank you, Joyce, for accompanying me yesterday! (2) We enjoyed the solar eclipse yesterday. It was pretty cloudy, but we got glimpses.


No headaches! And One Day at a Time


A Week Off