Brief Update on Test Results

All of Sarah’s test results are back, and the bottom line is this: “No evidence of metastatic disease in the abdomen.” 🙌🏼 Her bloodwork was almost perfect, with only a slightly low white blood cell (WBC) count. The doctors aren’t worried, as this isn’t uncommon. She’ll have it retested in a few weeks.

Providentially, yesterday when we got results, Sarah had an appointment with her primary care physician who took time to walk through all the details with her. That was a gift. 

For those who want the fuller picture, here’s more:

If you look hard enough, we all have internal “blemishes.” In Sarah’s case, the scans showed several cysts—some on her kidneys and one in her pancreas. The GI doctor confirmed that these will all be monitored, but they’re not alarming. One kidney cyst is a bit more dynamic, but there’s nothing concerning for cancer at this point. She’ll see a nephrologist (a kidney specialist) soon. And we'll follow-up on the pancreas in two years with an MRI, and if there’s no change, no further action will be needed.

Her bloodwork was almost perfect—her liver is great (praise the Lord!). The only minor issue was her slightly low WBC count, which they’ll recheck in a few weeks. This is fairly common, and since all the other markers on her CBC were normal, there’s no reason for concern. They may also do a bone density test (called a DEXA scan) because of what chemo did to her hormonally. We'll run all of this by her oncologist when we meet in a couple weeks. For today we are grateful for good test results, a great team of doctors around us, and our loving, patient God who is over it all and with us through the hills and valleys during this new state of “surveillance.” Thanks for praying!


One Year Since Diagnosis